Call for Abstracts:

IMS 15th Annual Meeting held August 22-25th, 2024

Submission Opens: July 15, 2024

Submission Deadline: August 10, 2024, 11:59PST.

The International Musculoskeletal Society (I.M.S.) annual meeting is purely for scientific presentations and debate.

The society takes great pride in our rigorous CME compliance review free of biased industry influence.


Please read this page in its entirety so you are able to start collecting pertinent information well in advance of your actual submission.

  • Abstracts should include Background/Introduction, Materials/Methods, Results, and Discussion/Conclusion sections.
  • Abstracts must be restricted to a firm 350 type written words.
  • Abstracts may include a single figure, image, table or graph uploaded in a separate submission page in JPEG format.
  • If your abstract is greater than 350 words or includes more than one figure, table, or graph, it will not be sent out for review.
  • Abstracts that have been submitted to the IMS in previous years, and have not been accepted for poster or oral presentation, are eligible for submission but must contain new, additional information to be considered.

Abstracts will be evaluated blindly by the Program Committee Reviewers:

  • Abstracts accepted for presentation will be presented at the podium.
  • Podium presentations are 6-8 minutes in length with ample time for discussion.
  • Poster Presentations, (Printed Posters), will possibly be accepted this year.
  • Submitting authors will receive acceptance or regret notices within 10 Days of submission.


  • Previous login/password information used will remain the same as it was set for any submissions.
  • Please ensure all email addresses for all authors are correct. All authors will be required to log into the disclosure system using the email listed in the submission.
  • Submitters may revisit the site as often as necessary to edit their submission prior to the submission deadline.
  • For support, please click on the 'Support' icon or link located on the top right hand of each page.
  • Abstract submissions can be only be completed and finalized once all authors have disclosed any potential conflict. The disclosure deadline will be the same as the submission deadline.


For additional information regarding the International Musculoskeletal Society Call for Abstracts and the Annual Meeting, please contact the IMS at

We look forward to your submission.


Great Job. You will be notify via email, thank you for sharing with us your science and hard work.