International Musculoskeletal Society (I.M.S.) Membership Registration

About I.M.S.

Since its inception, I.M.S. has grown and gained recognition as one of the region’s premier societies. With you joining in, the IMS will grow even stronger.

Strict membership criteria ensure that members support that mission and commitment to the Society:

  • CV
  • Letter of Recommendation for Medical Students, Residents and Fellows
  • Photograph
Membership Open To
  • Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • Pain Medicine Physicians
  • Neurosurgeons
  • Physical medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Scientists
  • Fellows and Medical Students
  • Researchers
  • Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist and Chiropractors
  • Allied Health professionals (Industry)
Annual Membership Fees

Introductory Membership



Medical Student membership



Allied Associate Membership



Emeritus membership



Fellow Member



Active Member



Resident / Clinical Fellow



Introductory Membership



Emeritus membership



Fellow Member



Active Member



Resident / Clinical Fellow



Medical Student membership



Scholarship fees may seem too high or too little depending on each member’s situation but they’re truly essential to keep running the society and be able to provide the most to our members. Our Society is a Non Profit society and every support is essential.

Membership Types and Requirements:
Medical Student membership

Medical Students are our future. Medical students will need a letter of recommendation from the program director or Dean of students upon initial sign up and renewal.

Residents/Clinical Fellows

Residents and fellows will be allowed to join the society once their training status is confirmed by their program director

  • Are encouraged to serve on and chair certain committees.
  • Are encouraged to take volunteer through the "IMS Engines" Program.
  • Are required to attend a meeting once every three consecutive years.
Active Member

Is open to physician and non-physician members of allied specialties such as research scientists who satisfy the following:

  • Have a practice of 50% or more of one of any of the above specialties
  • Attend at least one I.M.S. annual meetings or workshops once every three consecutive years.
  • Are eligible and required to apply for Fellow Membership at the end of the 3-year Active member term.
  • Failure to complete these requirements during the 3-year term may require reapplication to Active Membership.
  • Active members qualify for discounted IMS events
  • May be listed on society website “Find a doctor” link as well as "Job hub"
  • Active members may qualify for all initiatives of IMS: Collaborative research, Mentorships and mini-traveling fellowship support.
  • Active Members qualify for one or more of the leadership Committee
Fellow Member

Fellow membership is an acknowledgment of the positive role that the active member has played in promoting the vision of the society for three prior years. They must have successfully completed a three-year Active membership in the society.

Only Fellows may vote and hold elected offices within the Society.

  • Fellow members qualify for discounted registration of IMS events.
  • May hold elected office within the I.M.S society
  • Qualify to Chair a Program, Scientific Committee or Subcommittee
  • Fellow Members have priority to obtain or nominate an associate for traveling fellowship support.
  • Fellow Members may benefit from promoting their work on the I.M.S website and Social media
  • May be listed on society website “Find a doctor” link and "Job Hub"
  • Fellow Members may be tasked to represent IMS with certain missions and collaborations with other scientific and professional organizations.
  • Fellow Members will have priority to invited publications or research collaborations on behalf of IMS
  • Fellow Members will have the priority to sit or chair IMS leadership committees
Emeritus membership

May be granted by the Board to active members who are permanently retired from the practice of musculoskeletal. The requirements for emeritus membership are as follows:

  • Candidates for emeritus status must have been members in good standing for at least two years. 
  • May be voted or invited to the Advisory Board.
Allied Associate Membership

Is for distinguished members of the medical and Industrial profession including allied health professionals who have made a significant contribution to the field and or to promoting/supporting the goals of the International Musculoskeletal Society.

  • Are eligible to serve on or chair committees except scientific committees for CME activities.
  • Are required to attend an I.M.S. Annual meeting at least once every 3 consecutive years.
  • May be voted or invited to the Advisory Board.
  • May hold a non voting Ad-hoc position on the board of Trustees.
Benefits & Governance

If you experience any difficulty submitting the registration form, Please connect with: Farah Makhzoum at: